Friday, November 30, 2012

BR 11/30/2012

What that mom did was very wrong and every way possible. There is no arguement about that.

My video wasn't working but a guy killed someone fro having there music up too loud. That is ridiculous. if he wanted her to turn it down, he could've called the police.

THat is sooo wrong. people like that shouldn't have kids.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


I think our President needs to sit down and think a little more about the things that are effecting American citizens today. He also needs to watch with money because our country is already in enough debt the way it is!


If Obama promised us Americans he would change things that were and are very important to us then he should of stuck by his words. If he is elected president he needs to fix those things he planned & promised us back in 2008.


I do beleive that the race is going to be very close between Obama and Romney. I think the donating $5 to that Obama thing is kinda ridiculous and crazy because it's prolly being wired to a personal account for himself. And before people vote they should really think about who their voting for and our future.

BR 11/27/2012

money for charities is very good!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

11/14/2012 BR

The outcome result of the presidential election is that the majority of black people voted for Obama.

11/14/2012 BR

A female lady whom was pregnant pinned her husband up against a pole and her car because he did not vote. id say it was her hormones that made her do that. but i don't know how everyone else feels about it