Thursday, February 28, 2013

BR: 2/28/2013

1.   I think that the death rate of teens that has gone up is mostly because of technology. Maybe not in all cases, but most causes of wrecks are probably because of texting.


3.   Sexting is a very big risk. it can harm more than your own self respect, it can stop you from being able to get a good job, or meet new people.

4.   I think it is ridiculous that they got in trouble for doing the harlem shake.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

People that made a difference.

Civil rights activist.
Gave speach on August, 20, 1963.
Buried April 9, 1968.

Gay rights activist.
The first person gay as city commissionor.
Was in the navy.

Worked in chemistry and science.
Found structure of pennicilan.
Born in Egypt. Death at age 84.

Born March 14, 1879.
High school dropout.
1921 awarded nobel prize of physics.

Born in british.
Marriage at 14 and had a child.
Protested love and peace to others.

Good leardership during WWII.
Refused to surender to Germany.
Lead Britian as prime minister.

Born in Maryland.
In 1849 escaped slavery and went to Philidalphia.
Marrage in 1869, adopted a baby five years after.

Born in italy.
Ministered to ill people at her families estate.
Known for creating Red Cross.

Computer programer. made the tic tac toe on computer
Dropped out of college.
He invinted Windows.

BR 2/25/2013

I think that it's good that WV is now pro gun. Everyone else is against guns and now we are for them!

BR 2/26/2013

I do believe that i have sent text messages while sleeping and wake up not recalling what i have said. Not only once but i think maybe two or three times. I never really thought about it though.

BR 2/22/2013

 They want to petition it because it drives the corn prices up even when they are low on supply.

  WV is ranked last or close to last on all mental health catagories.  only half have been actually seen by a doctor.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

BR 2/19/2013

I think that the idea of everyone having to go to war and stuff is stupid. Everyone has a different opinion and style of what they like to do.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

BR 2/14/2013

I don't understand how there could be a birth rate lowered.

BR 2/11/2013

Obama called the nuclear test a provocative act. He says that Koreans nuclear test is a threat to US national security. They may complete another one too

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


I read a little bit about the State of the Union and it was talking about something about cars. and using less gas. It had something to do with saving engery and didn't sound like a bad idea.

Monday, February 11, 2013

BR 2/11/2013

I knew that we were in debt, but i didn't tthink it was that bad. I think we need to cut back on the unnesissary things ang get that thing paid up.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

BR: 2/7/2013

i think that we have always taken our gun control seriously. And i think that this whole gun control thing is getting annoying! yes, i know that this is a major issue but it's not going to stop the criminals to doing what they want to do .

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

BR: 2/06/2013

Digital learning day: i think it is nice that people try to let more people know about digital laerning. i also, think that digital learning is a goood thing. i like technology and it is better for job equirences. this generation and the next are going to have soo much more technology in everyday life than we know it.