Wednesday, May 8, 2013

BR 5/8/2013

I think she was wanting attention and when she got it she took it a little too far. She waas wanting everything to go her way and that's just not how it works.

Monday, May 6, 2013

BR 5/6/2013

I don't blame them for not wanting to burry his body there. I feel the same way about it because he wanted to bring all of that drama into their town and then people would expect to be able to burry his body there. that's wrong

Friday, May 3, 2013


There are three boys being charged with obstruction of justice because of the items they have that were Tsaanaev. They were withholding evidence that could have made a stronger case.

The three boys are being charged with obstruction of justice. I do think that they are being charged with the right crime because they were hiding evidence that may be used in the case of Tsaanaev.
The boys could have took control of the situation and maybe prevented the bombing by doing the right thing. Many because they were close friends of the suspect they didn't do anything, but that is no excuse at all.

Yes, inaction is a crime as long as there is an ability and opportunity to act towards the situation.

I would have turned the boy in and took the objects to the police. That would have been the right things to do and many the situation may have not turned out badly.

Monday, April 29, 2013

BR 4/29/2013

I think that is sooo outrageous that they are even allowed to hold seperate proms for blacks and whites. If i went to that school, i would probably end up saying something about it because that is ridiculous.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

BR 4/18/2013

I think that it is and isnt wrong to have it on there. It's like an even thing because it's not telling exactly how to make a bomb in a pressure cooker but still it is the point that they shouldn't have it on there.

The zip code thing, that's just creepy. i think its strange how they can take just a few little digits and find soo much stuff about me and what i do.

the bill got shut down. Manchine is trying to get it going again but i don't think it will happen.
Part I

Research the possible consequences for the individual or group responsible for the Boston Marathon Bombing. Could the consequences be different if those responsible are citizens or non-citizens? Do these guidelines follow the US Constitution

The consequences for the individual or the group of people that are responsible for the bombing in Boston i think would be jail time, obviously. but i think it would be fair to put them in as life time because look at all of the damage they did. That was very serious and they need major things done to make them see what they did was wrong.

If the person wasn't a citizen, i think they might be sentences different by the ways it would  be back where they live, but still have regulations and stuff. I looked stuff up about this and couldn't find very much.

Part II

Find 4 websites with news related to the Marathon Bombings. Compare the information that each has.

All of these web sites say the same thing, but at the same time they all are stating their opinions. Some say that they think it was terrorism and others say it was just hatred.

(complie the results in a chart.)

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

BR 4/16/2013

The bostin thing was so sad. i heard that there was a guy that was going to propose to his girlfriend at the end of the raace but she is one of the ones that died. That is terrible. not only that but the whole thing in general. It's so sad that people do stuff like that. People have no respect and they don't think about others. Who ever did that is sick in the head and ne