Thursday, April 18, 2013

Part I

Research the possible consequences for the individual or group responsible for the Boston Marathon Bombing. Could the consequences be different if those responsible are citizens or non-citizens? Do these guidelines follow the US Constitution

The consequences for the individual or the group of people that are responsible for the bombing in Boston i think would be jail time, obviously. but i think it would be fair to put them in as life time because look at all of the damage they did. That was very serious and they need major things done to make them see what they did was wrong.

If the person wasn't a citizen, i think they might be sentences different by the ways it would  be back where they live, but still have regulations and stuff. I looked stuff up about this and couldn't find very much.

Part II

Find 4 websites with news related to the Marathon Bombings. Compare the information that each has.

All of these web sites say the same thing, but at the same time they all are stating their opinions. Some say that they think it was terrorism and others say it was just hatred.

(complie the results in a chart.)

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