Monday, August 27, 2012

8/27/2012 notes

united states constitution.

ratification means to approve something.

Sept 17 1787 constitution day.

Federalist supported the consitution. :
     Rufus King
     Roger Sherman
     Alexander Hamilton
    John Jay
     George Read and others.
     James Wilson
     James maddison

Against the constituion were antifederalist.
     Patrick Henry
    George Mason
     Fichard Henry Lee
     George Clinton
     Samuel Admas
    Elbridge Gerry
     Robert Yates
    Melancton  Smith and others.

the federalist papers... a book that was written by three men. the purpose was for us to support the constitution.

The consitution says that at least 9 of 13 orignial colonies had to support before it could become a document.

Delaware was the 1st state.

New Hampshire was the 9th state.

Rhode Island was the 13th state.

Attended the constitutional convention:
Ellsworth (Elsworth), Oliver*
Johnson, William S.
Sherman, Roger Delaware
Bassett (Basset), Richard
Bedford, Gunning, Jr.
Broom, Jacob
Dickinson, John
Read, George Georgia
Baldwin, Abraham
Few, William
Houstoun, William*
Pierce, William L.* Maryland
Carroll, Daniel
Jenifer, Daniel of St. Thomas
Martin, Luther*
McHenry, James
Mercer, John F.* Massachusetts
Gerry, Elbridge*
Gorham, Nathaniel
King, Rufus
Strong, Caleb* New Hampshire
Gilman, Nicholas
Langdon, John New Jersey
Brearly (Brearley), David
Dayton, Jonathan
Houston, William C.*
Livingston, William
Paterson (Patterson), William New York
Hamilton, Alexander
Lansing, John, Jr.*
Yates, Robert * North Carolina
Blount, William
Davie, William R.*
Martin, Alexander *
Spaight, Richard D.
Williamson, Hugh Pennsylvania
Clymer, George
Fitzsimons, Thomas
Franklin, Benjamin
Ingersoll, Jared
Mifflin, Thomas
Morris, Gouverneur
Morris, Robert
Wilson, James South Carolina
Butler, Pierce
Pinckney, Charles
Pinckney, Charles Cotesworth
Rutledge, John Rhode Island
Rhode Island did not send any delegates to the Constitutional Convention. Virginia
Blair, John
Madison, James
Mason, George *
McClurg, James*
Randolph, Edmund J.*
Washington, George
Wythe, George*
(* indicates that teh individual didn't sign the constitution.)

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