Tuesday, October 23, 2012

BR 10/23/2012

I think it's a good idea, but i think it's stupid that they're going to spend that much money when we are already in debt.

Monday, October 22, 2012


I think Romney made himself look rude. I think Obama had every right to be that way toward Romney because Romney always rude to him.


I don't think that the people should have to stay all night to be able to gamble at the casino. I think that is just wrong. If someome doesnt want to stay all night but just gamble, that should just be it.

Friday, October 19, 2012


If obama wasn't able to fix the problems that he is talking about from his last years, then what makes us think that he will do it this time. He needs to focus on certain things and get them done instead of talking about it, and saying he is going to do something and then never do anything about them.

Thursday, October 18, 2012


i believe that if they ask him nicely to take down the ad then he should. all they are doing is asking him to take down the ad. they don't have to make a big deal about it.


I think in this case Americans who vote might pay more attention to vice president candiates because of the things they talk about and are defensive about it. That's just my opinion


I don't believe in not being allowed to enroll into a college because of your skin color, beliefs and etc. Some of those things should be no concern to them because students are just trying to get an education. people need to keep their nose in their own business


I believe that people should be allowed to discuss their work. And they should not be allowed to post things about their work on social media internet sites unless necessary.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


I don't believe in the no child left behing thing. I think they just try to make themself look good

BR 10/16/2012

1. Its a very close race for president. I personally don't care who wins. But i don't think Obama has done the greatest job.

2. I dont like the electorial college thing because they can cancel everyones vote out.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

BR 10/03/2012

I think it's cool, but not always correct.

my name showed up and said that i was a democrat.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Make a bill. 10/01/2012

Summary:     Child Safety Awareness Day on August 02 of every year.

Lead Sponsor:     Streets.

Bill Text:     With this bill being official, I plan on helping everyone world wide learn of the social problem of missing children. Within that I want to raise awareness of child safety within a family. With more safety precations comes less children becoming abducted, lost, or missing. I would love for every state to be involved in this action. It is a good idea for letting the public know of this issue as well as maybe helping others look for a missing child of their own or of someone that they know of. This day can be celebrated in many ways. Choose to do one of the following:     * Help make posters, announcments of a lost one in the community.
                                            * Help look for a missing child.
                                            * Teach your children of the awareness of "kidnappers" etc...
                                            * Make sure that your children understand the seriousness of  this issue.

Monday, October 1, 2012

BR 10/01/2012

I think that it is very harmful that the guns are not being detected through the machines. On the other hand, they shouldn't rely heavily on the machines, the people that check them are just as much as the blame. That's their jobs and they are not doing them correctly.