Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Make a bill. 10/01/2012

Summary:     Child Safety Awareness Day on August 02 of every year.

Lead Sponsor:     Streets.

Bill Text:     With this bill being official, I plan on helping everyone world wide learn of the social problem of missing children. Within that I want to raise awareness of child safety within a family. With more safety precations comes less children becoming abducted, lost, or missing. I would love for every state to be involved in this action. It is a good idea for letting the public know of this issue as well as maybe helping others look for a missing child of their own or of someone that they know of. This day can be celebrated in many ways. Choose to do one of the following:     * Help make posters, announcments of a lost one in the community.
                                            * Help look for a missing child.
                                            * Teach your children of the awareness of "kidnappers" etc...
                                            * Make sure that your children understand the seriousness of  this issue.

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