Wednesday, January 30, 2013


This past Sunday was marked the day for Obama to swear in for his second term. It was a very exciting and cheerful television cast on Monday. Beyonce sang the star spangled banner. Obama participated in the Inauguration parade. 1.8 million people attended the inauguration in 2008. This year though only about 800000 people were expected to attend. Obama said that he wanted to give meaning to our freedom. He called it a privelage to be returning for a second term. Republicans werent impressed by his inauguration speech. They criticized it because they said he didnt outreach enough. The president and the vice president went to a church in front of the White House. Thirteen thousand military and law officers watched over the procceding Saturday because of the large number of people attended. Michelle wore a red dress to one of the balls. It was the 57th inauguration cermemony. During his speech he says that we are all truly created equal. The presidental inauguration takes pretty much all day and night. It was actually a week of events. That week included balls, a parade, and many other things. Obama embraced gay rights and the fights against climate change. He also states that he will reduce the federal deficit without shredding the social safety net. He was sworn in by Chief Justice John Roberts.

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