Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Jerk in a Box:
I think this is funny. It shows a guy coming out of a spring box with like a missle. To me, it states that they are being mean and not showing respect. They state "Boom goes the evil." Which to me is somewhat true. B

Egypt Violence:
This picture says a lot to me. Usually when I  took at a picture of the pyramid it reminds me of something pretty. In this picture, i see a lot of black and meanness. B

CANADA Quality Control:
When i first seen this photo it made me laugh. i had to definately read what the newspaper said and then put two and two together. to me, it means that they didn't take it seriously because they used a cartoon character who is funny. No one is going to take that seriously. B

Color Background Check:
I really like this photo. It makes a wonderful statement. in m yopinion, i think that image gets the point accross in many ways. They are trying to practically stop everyone from having guns, and guns don't kill people, people kill people. A

GOP Tax Switch:
I like this photo as well. It's stating that they are very unlikely to allow tax hikes for entitlement reforms. It also shows off a bad quality i think the government has, Lies. That's just my opinion about that. A

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