Monday, September 10, 2012

9/4 worksheet

Federalist #10

author? James Madison
essay writen? November 22, 1787
When does this appear in regards to the timeline of events during the state ratification conventions? Or in other words, what had happened already when this essay published? The articles of the confereration have already been written.
1: It states the form of government that would protect the rights from organized and united factions.
2: Number of citizens that are inspired by some common passions to act adversely towards the right of other citizens. And they all had different opinions.
3: Destroying liberties and making everyone have the same opinions are inpossible to do.
4: The purpose of the Constitution is to not direct human nature, but rather to limit and seperate the powers of government.
5: People wouldnt be able to express their own thoughts.
6: Because they wold want the best for themselves and would do anything possible to get that.
7: It gives us our rights and makes it so noone can become a ruler of other peoples.
8: A rage for paper money, for an abolition of debts, for an equal division of property.
9: I think they are kind of true.

Federalist # 51

A: James Madison
B: February 1788
C: The Virginia Ratification
1: Checks and Balances
2: The seperation of Church and State
3: I think it still would be necessary because without it life would be chaotic.
4: That it is imprefect.
5: Because the government is more dominate.
6: The checks and balances provides them to be balanced out so this wont happen.
7: econmony
8: powerful tools for storing, processing, interpreting and displaying the data, as well as to protect the data itself, keeping it safe and secure

The Federalist Paper

1: James Madison
2: 1787
3: federalist
4: one small group of 3-5 inside of a larger group
5: politicians, lobbyist, and unions
7: Democracy is governemt for and the people republic involves the government using and abiding by the constitution.

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