Monday, September 10, 2012

class work 9/7

Stage One: The federalists was orginially published with the intent with persuading New York's anti-federalist population to vote in favor of the Constitution. However, nine states were needed so the Constitution would've gone into effect without Virginia or NY's vote. The series of essay's provided a thorough and rational explanations of importance of the new US Gov. The central gov, the old gov. could not carry out it's responsibilities. They didn't have enough means to provide common defense through power of taxation and the raising of an army. It could not provide trade regulations, inforce foreign treaties, or protect the states from invasion. Because it had no power to empel it's individual states to follow it's rulings. The Gov. created by the US constitution which put the power in the hands of the people, had the strength of the unified 13 states, protecting each individual person.

Stage Two: The US provides an army through taxation to provide protection for it's citizens. It works with other countries to create peace for our nation. In the US, the state and federal governements work together in protecting the common good. The state governments are depended upon for their elections and membership in senate. The states often serve as a testing ground that later become national laws. It keeps the Gov. closer to the people.

Stage Three: In Vietnam the country does not protect it's citizens as it should. Police mistreat suspects during arrest using lethal force and extreme prison conditions. Citizens are arrested for political and denied the right of affair and expeditious trial. Political influence and ineffeciency have distorted the judicial system. The Gov. limits privacy rights and freedom of press, speech, and assembly. Freedom of religion continues to be treated unfairly. The Gov. prohibits independet human rights organizations, violence against women and human intrafficing continues.

Their citizens do not have the right to change their Gov. peacfully and they don't freely choose the officials that govern them. All authority and poliotcal power can not be up to one power and in Vietnam it is the communist party.

Stage Four: “This country and this people seem to have been made for each other, and it appears as if it was the design of Providence that an inheritance so proper and convenient for a band of brethren, united to each other by the strongest ties, should never be split into a number unsocial, jealous, and alien sovereignties.” – 1787

It is a shame that it took such a tragedy, as of September 11, 2001, to remind a country of what we can do if we all stand together. On that day, we were all American, no color, no sexual orientation, no economic status.

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