Friday, September 28, 2012

Social issue.

To whom it may concern:

     What would you do if you knew that  one of your childs friends were being abused at home? Well, it may not be your childs friend per say but things like this happen everyday. I don't think that people really realize how many children get abused everyday. The statistics get higher and higher day by day. This is a major issue in America today. It's hard for children to step up and take a stand, so they have to deal with it until they can do something about it, if it's not too late by then.

     This is a problem that needs to be stopped. As a child, i had been abused, and it is not something that anyone should have to go through. i am just lucky that i got out of the home in time. if i would've stayed in the home much longer, i probably wouldn't be here today. I am NOT the only child that has been abused in their life. Stop. Take a look around, and think, maybe that child acts the way it does because he/she is being abused at home. You may look at things clearer then.

     If you know that a child is being abused and you don't do anything about it, i honestly think that you are doing just as much harm to that child as the abuser is, it's self. Abuse it's something you ca n just brush off your shoulder. Abuse is something that sticks with you forever. It haunts you. It makes you wonder about people and how they think. Who may hurt me next? How do i defend myself next time something like this happens? These are questions that flow in and out of my mind everyday.

     I know you are thinking that i am probably just talking about physical abuse. well, i'm not. i'm talking about mental, social, and emotional abuse as well. Everyone has feelings therefore, everyone also has needs. Once you hurt someone physically, emotionally, or mentally, it is very hard for them to recover, if they ever make it that far. This is something that i take very seriously and also something that i want to try and prevent.

     If you see someone being abusive in anyway to a child, step up, be the better person, and save that childs' life. They may not be here tomorrow if you decide to hold off and call the police the next morning. I bet, you wouldn't want to live with the thought that you could've helped that child, but now they are dead and there is no turning back now. You can't bring that child back to life and let it live like it should. That's just not right. Do something about it, NOW.

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