Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Work 9/17/2012

1. Answer the following question: Why is there a constitution day and what mandated it?

To remember when the Constitution was created and because there were 55 men sent to attend the Constitutional Convention and were assigned the task of revising the Articles of Confederation, instead they drafted a new constitution to replace the Articles.

2. Could you pass the US citizenship test....find five links on the Internet and take the quizzes and post the links and your scores.

3. Constitution Day Scavenger Hunt with 60-Second Civics
You and your teammates have been given a set of clues to identify nine delegates to the Constitutional Convention that was held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in the summer of 1787. In order to complete your task you need the clues provided by your teacher and podcasts from the Center for Civic Education. The podcasts are available at

He refused to sign the Constitution.
Name: George Mason
State: Virginia
Age/Year of Birth: Born December 11, 1725
Two Additional Clues: American Patriot, delegate from Virginia to the US Convention

He practiced in law in Williamsburg.
Name: John Blair
State: Virginia
Age/Year of Birth: Born in 1732
Two Additional Clues: He was actively involved in the colonial resistance to Great Britain, supporting moves to boycott the importation of British goods in reaction to the Townshend Duties. Blair participated in Virginia's constitutional convention of 1776, sitting on a committee to amend George Mason’s declaration of rights and frame the state’s constitution.

He was the chairman of the Committee
on Style.
Name: William Samuel Johnson
State: Conn
Age/Year of Birth: 1727
Two Additional Clues: President of Columbia college, peacemaker

He studied law in Philadelphia.
Name: Richard Bassett
State: Delaware
Age/Year of Birth: 1745
Two Additional Clues: owned 3 homes in Delaware and Maryland, made no speeches at Philadelphia convention

He was a roommate of James Madison
at the College of New Jersey.
Name: Gunning Bedford, Jr
State: Delaware
Age/Year of Birth: 1747
Two Additional Clues: represented the small states point of view, spent many years as a federal district judge

He served as the first postmaster general
of Wilmington.
Name: Jacob Broom
State: Delaware
Age/Year of Birth: 1752
Two Additional Clues: died in Philadelphia while attending business, had various careers

Clue: voted against the independence, but
signed the Declaration of
Name: George Read
State: Delaware
Age/Year of Birth: 1733
Two Additional Clues: led the ratification battle in Delaware, Chief Justice of Delaware until death


He was born in Connecticut.
Name: Jared Ingersoll
State: PA
Age/Year of Birth: 1749
Two Additional Clues: ran for VP didnt win though, argued several cases before supreme court

During the Revolution he served as a
lieutenant colonel in the dragoons.
Name: William Few
State: Georgia
Age/Year of Birth: 1748
Two Additional Clues: became one of Georgia's first U.S. Senators, served in Georgia state legislature and Continental Congress

He studied in Flanders, Belgium.
Name: Daniel Carroll
State: Maryland
Age/Year of Birth: 1730
Two Additional Clues: served in the Maryland senate, arrived late to Philadelphia convention


He died three years after the convention.
Name: Daniel of St. Thomas Jenifer
State: Maryland
Age/Year of Birth: 1723
Two Additional Clues: owned a large estate near Annapolis, supported the Revolution

He was called away from the convention
due to family illness.
Name: James McHenry
State: Maryland
Age/Year of Birth: 1753
Two Additional Clues: studied poetry and medicine, spent time writing after retiring

Early in life, he lost a leg in a carriage
Name: Gouverneur Morris
State: PA
Age/Year of Birth: 1752
Two Additional Clues: graduated from King's College in NY, many of his family and friends were loyalists

He studied law in London, then
practiced law and built a fortune.
Name: John Rutledge
State: South Carolina
Age/Year of Birth: 1739
Two Additional Clues: Washington appointed Rutledge to Supreme Court, agrued strongly for the interest of the Southern States

He served in the British Army until
1771, when he resigned after marrying
Name: Pierce Butler
State: South Carolina
Age/Year of Birth: 1744
Two Additional Clues: served with SC militia in Revolutionary war, spoke often and Philadelphia Convention

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