Monday, December 17, 2012

BR: 12/17/2012

On December 15th, 2012, a man wearing protective armor walked into Sandy brook elementary school. he then proceded to open fire on everyone in sight, killing 20 children, and 6 staff members. the ages of the children ranged from 7-8. at the conslusion of this rampage, the gunman procceded to face the gun toward himself, and comitted suicide. He also, before going to the school, killed his mother in her home nearby. Many accounts of that day have been recorded, but none of them can bring the victims back.

Friday, December 14, 2012


I think the shooting is TERRIBLE.  who would do something like that. That is scary to think that someone would do that to a pre-k through fourth grade.

BR 12/14/2012

I don't think i would ever change my name. i think it is a little stupid that someone would want to change their last name. It's stupid

Thursday, December 13, 2012

BR 12/13/2012

I don't think there is anything wrong with the fact that they got taken out or whatever. If they aren't healthy then they most likely not going to do as much as they wouldve done if they were healthier.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


The explosion was pretty big. Interstate 77 is actually closed down. And some of the pavement even melted from the fire.

Monday, December 10, 2012


I think that the little kids should definately have some type of punishment. They knew what they were doing, and they knew that it was wrong.


I think that it is wrong that someone would sit there and take pictures while a man is being injured. They might say that they were doing whatever but what they really did was watch that man die. That is ridiculous.

Thursday, December 6, 2012


Filibuster is the practice of refusing to surrender the floor during a debate to prevent the Senate from voting on a proposal.


Women aren't banned from combat, but from infantry. If a women ends up pregnant, she'll get deployed and sent back home. It isn't necessarily fair to the women, but it happens.

Monday, December 3, 2012

BR 12/03/2012

I think that the more schooling time should be optional. We spend a lot of time in school and then working on school things after school. Yes some people may like it better but for people who want or have jobs while in school, it's going to be harder for them to do anything if there is more time in school.

Friday, November 30, 2012

BR 11/30/2012

What that mom did was very wrong and every way possible. There is no arguement about that.

My video wasn't working but a guy killed someone fro having there music up too loud. That is ridiculous. if he wanted her to turn it down, he could've called the police.

THat is sooo wrong. people like that shouldn't have kids.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


I think our President needs to sit down and think a little more about the things that are effecting American citizens today. He also needs to watch with money because our country is already in enough debt the way it is!


If Obama promised us Americans he would change things that were and are very important to us then he should of stuck by his words. If he is elected president he needs to fix those things he planned & promised us back in 2008.


I do beleive that the race is going to be very close between Obama and Romney. I think the donating $5 to that Obama thing is kinda ridiculous and crazy because it's prolly being wired to a personal account for himself. And before people vote they should really think about who their voting for and our future.

BR 11/27/2012

money for charities is very good!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

11/14/2012 BR

The outcome result of the presidential election is that the majority of black people voted for Obama.

11/14/2012 BR

A female lady whom was pregnant pinned her husband up against a pole and her car because he did not vote. id say it was her hormones that made her do that. but i don't know how everyone else feels about it

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

BR 10/23/2012

I think it's a good idea, but i think it's stupid that they're going to spend that much money when we are already in debt.

Monday, October 22, 2012


I think Romney made himself look rude. I think Obama had every right to be that way toward Romney because Romney always rude to him.


I don't think that the people should have to stay all night to be able to gamble at the casino. I think that is just wrong. If someome doesnt want to stay all night but just gamble, that should just be it.

Friday, October 19, 2012


If obama wasn't able to fix the problems that he is talking about from his last years, then what makes us think that he will do it this time. He needs to focus on certain things and get them done instead of talking about it, and saying he is going to do something and then never do anything about them.

Thursday, October 18, 2012


i believe that if they ask him nicely to take down the ad then he should. all they are doing is asking him to take down the ad. they don't have to make a big deal about it.


I think in this case Americans who vote might pay more attention to vice president candiates because of the things they talk about and are defensive about it. That's just my opinion


I don't believe in not being allowed to enroll into a college because of your skin color, beliefs and etc. Some of those things should be no concern to them because students are just trying to get an education. people need to keep their nose in their own business


I believe that people should be allowed to discuss their work. And they should not be allowed to post things about their work on social media internet sites unless necessary.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


I don't believe in the no child left behing thing. I think they just try to make themself look good

BR 10/16/2012

1. Its a very close race for president. I personally don't care who wins. But i don't think Obama has done the greatest job.

2. I dont like the electorial college thing because they can cancel everyones vote out.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

BR 10/03/2012

I think it's cool, but not always correct.

my name showed up and said that i was a democrat.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Make a bill. 10/01/2012

Summary:     Child Safety Awareness Day on August 02 of every year.

Lead Sponsor:     Streets.

Bill Text:     With this bill being official, I plan on helping everyone world wide learn of the social problem of missing children. Within that I want to raise awareness of child safety within a family. With more safety precations comes less children becoming abducted, lost, or missing. I would love for every state to be involved in this action. It is a good idea for letting the public know of this issue as well as maybe helping others look for a missing child of their own or of someone that they know of. This day can be celebrated in many ways. Choose to do one of the following:     * Help make posters, announcments of a lost one in the community.
                                            * Help look for a missing child.
                                            * Teach your children of the awareness of "kidnappers" etc...
                                            * Make sure that your children understand the seriousness of  this issue.

Monday, October 1, 2012

BR 10/01/2012

I think that it is very harmful that the guns are not being detected through the machines. On the other hand, they shouldn't rely heavily on the machines, the people that check them are just as much as the blame. That's their jobs and they are not doing them correctly.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Social issue.

To whom it may concern:

     What would you do if you knew that  one of your childs friends were being abused at home? Well, it may not be your childs friend per say but things like this happen everyday. I don't think that people really realize how many children get abused everyday. The statistics get higher and higher day by day. This is a major issue in America today. It's hard for children to step up and take a stand, so they have to deal with it until they can do something about it, if it's not too late by then.

     This is a problem that needs to be stopped. As a child, i had been abused, and it is not something that anyone should have to go through. i am just lucky that i got out of the home in time. if i would've stayed in the home much longer, i probably wouldn't be here today. I am NOT the only child that has been abused in their life. Stop. Take a look around, and think, maybe that child acts the way it does because he/she is being abused at home. You may look at things clearer then.

     If you know that a child is being abused and you don't do anything about it, i honestly think that you are doing just as much harm to that child as the abuser is, it's self. Abuse it's something you ca n just brush off your shoulder. Abuse is something that sticks with you forever. It haunts you. It makes you wonder about people and how they think. Who may hurt me next? How do i defend myself next time something like this happens? These are questions that flow in and out of my mind everyday.

     I know you are thinking that i am probably just talking about physical abuse. well, i'm not. i'm talking about mental, social, and emotional abuse as well. Everyone has feelings therefore, everyone also has needs. Once you hurt someone physically, emotionally, or mentally, it is very hard for them to recover, if they ever make it that far. This is something that i take very seriously and also something that i want to try and prevent.

     If you see someone being abusive in anyway to a child, step up, be the better person, and save that childs' life. They may not be here tomorrow if you decide to hold off and call the police the next morning. I bet, you wouldn't want to live with the thought that you could've helped that child, but now they are dead and there is no turning back now. You can't bring that child back to life and let it live like it should. That's just not right. Do something about it, NOW.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012



BR 9/26/2012

I don't think that anyone should try to stop people from eating what they want. if someone wants eat unhealthy than that is their decision! It shouldn't be anyones concern. we are who we are, and no one is going to change it.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

9/24 class work


BR 9/25/2012

You have to look at society and the way it is today. You have to put in mind that girls and boys at the age of 14 are having sex, then yes they are doing something wrong, but they need to be safe about it. If they are going to get the morning after pill then they are taking some kind of responibility they are taking. either they have sex and get pregnant and get an abortion, or have an unhealthy child, or they ask for some help. That's my opinion.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

2. research the first ammendment and the right to five parts of the first amendment

prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances.

3. examine how much privacy one has in the digital age we live. Write a paragraph

In my opinion, in the digital age that we live in today you have as much privacy you allowed there to be. the reasoning for that is, when you post something online you know that everyone can read it. if you don't want someone to read it, don't post it. On the other hand, now adays there are soo many ways that FBI or other higher acts can see practicaslly anything you text, calls or anything.

4. research the patriot act and summarize it in a paragraph.

Congress passed the Patriot Act in response to the terrorists attacks of 9.11 The Act gives federal officials greater authority to track and intercept communications, both for law enforcement and foreign intelligence gathering purposes. It vests the Secretary of the Treasury with regulatory powers to combat corruption of U.S. financial institutions for foreign money laundering purposes. It seeks to further close our borders to foreign terrorists and to detain and remove those within our borders. It creates new crimes, new penalties, and new procedural efficiencies for use against domestic and international terrorists. Although it is not without safeguards, critics contend some of its provisions go to far. Although it grants many of the enhancements sought by the Department of Justice, others are concerned that it does not go far enough.

5. write a paragraph detailing if the patriot act is a violation of the first amendment

You could look at it either way, i guess. If you are doing something that is completely and outragously against the law, they should be able to be in your bussinsess. but if your not than i don't think they should have that right. You're life is your life, and unless you're not braking the law, you should be able to have as much privacy as you want. It should only be fair, that way.

6. find a news article and copy and paste the link where you feel the person used their privacy as an
"excuse" to get away with something,,20626015,00.html

7. find a news article and copy and paste the link where you feel a person's privacy was not protected
I think it's very wrong that anyone would do that, even if it was her husband. that is still an invasion of privacy.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Work 9/17/2012

1. Answer the following question: Why is there a constitution day and what mandated it?

To remember when the Constitution was created and because there were 55 men sent to attend the Constitutional Convention and were assigned the task of revising the Articles of Confederation, instead they drafted a new constitution to replace the Articles.

2. Could you pass the US citizenship test....find five links on the Internet and take the quizzes and post the links and your scores.

3. Constitution Day Scavenger Hunt with 60-Second Civics
You and your teammates have been given a set of clues to identify nine delegates to the Constitutional Convention that was held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in the summer of 1787. In order to complete your task you need the clues provided by your teacher and podcasts from the Center for Civic Education. The podcasts are available at

He refused to sign the Constitution.
Name: George Mason
State: Virginia
Age/Year of Birth: Born December 11, 1725
Two Additional Clues: American Patriot, delegate from Virginia to the US Convention

He practiced in law in Williamsburg.
Name: John Blair
State: Virginia
Age/Year of Birth: Born in 1732
Two Additional Clues: He was actively involved in the colonial resistance to Great Britain, supporting moves to boycott the importation of British goods in reaction to the Townshend Duties. Blair participated in Virginia's constitutional convention of 1776, sitting on a committee to amend George Mason’s declaration of rights and frame the state’s constitution.

He was the chairman of the Committee
on Style.
Name: William Samuel Johnson
State: Conn
Age/Year of Birth: 1727
Two Additional Clues: President of Columbia college, peacemaker

He studied law in Philadelphia.
Name: Richard Bassett
State: Delaware
Age/Year of Birth: 1745
Two Additional Clues: owned 3 homes in Delaware and Maryland, made no speeches at Philadelphia convention

He was a roommate of James Madison
at the College of New Jersey.
Name: Gunning Bedford, Jr
State: Delaware
Age/Year of Birth: 1747
Two Additional Clues: represented the small states point of view, spent many years as a federal district judge

He served as the first postmaster general
of Wilmington.
Name: Jacob Broom
State: Delaware
Age/Year of Birth: 1752
Two Additional Clues: died in Philadelphia while attending business, had various careers

Clue: voted against the independence, but
signed the Declaration of
Name: George Read
State: Delaware
Age/Year of Birth: 1733
Two Additional Clues: led the ratification battle in Delaware, Chief Justice of Delaware until death


He was born in Connecticut.
Name: Jared Ingersoll
State: PA
Age/Year of Birth: 1749
Two Additional Clues: ran for VP didnt win though, argued several cases before supreme court

During the Revolution he served as a
lieutenant colonel in the dragoons.
Name: William Few
State: Georgia
Age/Year of Birth: 1748
Two Additional Clues: became one of Georgia's first U.S. Senators, served in Georgia state legislature and Continental Congress

He studied in Flanders, Belgium.
Name: Daniel Carroll
State: Maryland
Age/Year of Birth: 1730
Two Additional Clues: served in the Maryland senate, arrived late to Philadelphia convention


He died three years after the convention.
Name: Daniel of St. Thomas Jenifer
State: Maryland
Age/Year of Birth: 1723
Two Additional Clues: owned a large estate near Annapolis, supported the Revolution

He was called away from the convention
due to family illness.
Name: James McHenry
State: Maryland
Age/Year of Birth: 1753
Two Additional Clues: studied poetry and medicine, spent time writing after retiring

Early in life, he lost a leg in a carriage
Name: Gouverneur Morris
State: PA
Age/Year of Birth: 1752
Two Additional Clues: graduated from King's College in NY, many of his family and friends were loyalists

He studied law in London, then
practiced law and built a fortune.
Name: John Rutledge
State: South Carolina
Age/Year of Birth: 1739
Two Additional Clues: Washington appointed Rutledge to Supreme Court, agrued strongly for the interest of the Southern States

He served in the British Army until
1771, when he resigned after marrying
Name: Pierce Butler
State: South Carolina
Age/Year of Birth: 1744
Two Additional Clues: served with SC militia in Revolutionary war, spoke often and Philadelphia Convention

BR 9/19/12

I think its wrong for anyone to invade anyones privacy because it's not like she was out roming around the city or anything. she was with her husband.


1. Complete bell ringer
2. research the first ammendment and the right to five parts of the first amendment
3. examine how much privacy one has in the digital age we live. Write a paragraph
4. research the patriot act and summarize it in a paragraph.
5. write a paragraph detailing if the patriot act is a violation of the first amendment
6. find a news article and copy and paste the link where you feel the person ised their privacy as an "excuse" to get away with something
7. find a news article and copy and paste the link where you fee a person's privacy was not protected

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

BR 9/18/12

The video hasn't crossed any lines through google, therefore google hasn't taken it off of there. and they shouldnt have to.

Br 9/17/12 #2

I do not believe it's right they made a video bashing islamic people pretending to be americans. It's awful what they are doing to our soliders in war.

Monday, September 17, 2012

BR 9/17/12

I dont think that any types of drinks: pop, sports drinks or anything should be banned from anywhere... if people like to drink that and they aren't making healthy decisions and getting over weight that is their fault.

Quiz 9/17/12

Barack Obama, is who i ended up being compared to


Thursday, September 13, 2012

BR 9/13/2012

I think that we did a good job for cleaning up our school. It was a good thing to do for our school!WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE.

Monday, September 10, 2012

9/4 worksheet

Federalist #10

author? James Madison
essay writen? November 22, 1787
When does this appear in regards to the timeline of events during the state ratification conventions? Or in other words, what had happened already when this essay published? The articles of the confereration have already been written.
1: It states the form of government that would protect the rights from organized and united factions.
2: Number of citizens that are inspired by some common passions to act adversely towards the right of other citizens. And they all had different opinions.
3: Destroying liberties and making everyone have the same opinions are inpossible to do.
4: The purpose of the Constitution is to not direct human nature, but rather to limit and seperate the powers of government.
5: People wouldnt be able to express their own thoughts.
6: Because they wold want the best for themselves and would do anything possible to get that.
7: It gives us our rights and makes it so noone can become a ruler of other peoples.
8: A rage for paper money, for an abolition of debts, for an equal division of property.
9: I think they are kind of true.

Federalist # 51

A: James Madison
B: February 1788
C: The Virginia Ratification
1: Checks and Balances
2: The seperation of Church and State
3: I think it still would be necessary because without it life would be chaotic.
4: That it is imprefect.
5: Because the government is more dominate.
6: The checks and balances provides them to be balanced out so this wont happen.
7: econmony
8: powerful tools for storing, processing, interpreting and displaying the data, as well as to protect the data itself, keeping it safe and secure

The Federalist Paper

1: James Madison
2: 1787
3: federalist
4: one small group of 3-5 inside of a larger group
5: politicians, lobbyist, and unions
7: Democracy is governemt for and the people republic involves the government using and abiding by the constitution.

Class work 9/10/12

7:59 am – American Airlines Flight 11, a Boeing 767 with 92 people aboard, takes off from Boston's Logan International Airport en route to Los Angeles.

8:14 am – United Airlines Flight 175, a Boeing 767 with 65 people aboard, takes off from Boston; it is also headed to Los Angeles.

8:19 am – Flight attendants aboard Flight 11 alert ground personnel that the plane has been hijacked; American Airlines notifies the FBI.

8:20 am – American Airlines Flight 77 takes off from Dulles International Airport outside of Washington D.C.  The Boeing 757 is headed to Los Angeles with 64 people aboard.

8:24 am – Hijacker Mohammed Atta makes the first of two accidental transmissions from Flight 11 to ground control (apparently in an attempt to communicate with the plane's cabin).

8:40 am – The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) alerts North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD)'s Northeast Air Defense Sector (NEADS) about the suspected hijacking of Flight 11. In response, NEADS scrambles two fighter planes located at Cape Cod's Otis Air National Guard Base to locate and tail Flight 11; they are not yet in the air when Flight 11 crashes into the North Tower.
8:41 am – United Airlines Flight 93 a Boeing 757 with 44 people aboard, takes off from Newark International Airport en route to San Francisco. It had been scheduled to depart at 8:00 am, around the time of the other hijacked flights.

8:46 am – Mohammed Atta and the other hijackers aboard American Airlines Flight 11 crash the plane into floors 93-99 of the North Tower of the World trade center, killing everyone on board and hundreds inside the building.

8:47 am – Within seconds, NYPD and FDNY forces dispatch units to the World Trade Center, while Port Authority Police Department officers on site begin immediate evacuation of the North Tower.

8:50 am – White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card alerts President George W. Bush that a plane has hit the World Trade Center; the president is visiting an elementary school in Sarasota, Flordia at the time.

9:02 am – After initially instructing tenants of the WTC's South Tower to remain in the building, Port Authority officials broadcast orders to evacuate both towers via the public address system; an estimated 10,000 to 14,000 people are already in the process of evacuating.

9:03 am – Hijackers crash United Airlines Flight 175 into floors 75-85 of the WTC's South Tower, killing everyone on board and hundreds inside the building

9:08 am – The FAA bans all takeoffs of flights going to NYC or through the airspace around the city.

9:21 am – The Port Authority closes all bridges and tunnels in the New York City area.

9:24 am – The FAA notified NEADS of the suspected hijacking of Flight 77 after some passengers and crew aboard are able to alert family members on the ground.

9:31 am – Speaking from Florida, President Bush calls the events in New York City an "apparent terrorist attack on our country."

9:37 am РHijackers aboard Flight 77 crash the plane into the western fa̤ade of the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., killing 59 aboard the plane and 125 military and civilian personnel inside the building.

9:42 am – For the first time in history, the FAA grounds all flights over or bound for the continental US. Some 3,300 commercial flights and 1,200 private planes are guided to airports in Canada and the United States over the next two-and-a-half hours.

9:45 am – Amid escalating rumors of other attacks, the White House and U.S. Capitol building are evacuated (along with numerous other high-profile buildings, landmarks and public spaces).

9:59 am – The South Tower of the World Trade Center collapses.

10:07 am – After passengers and crew members aboard the hijacked Flight 93 contact friends and family and learn about the attacks in New Yorkand Washington, they mount an attempt to retake the plane. In response, hijackers deliberately crash the plane into a field in Somerset County, Pennsylvania, killing all 40 passengers and crew aboard.

10:28 am – The World Trade Center's North Tower collapses, 102 minutes after being struck by Flight 11.

11 am – Mayor Rudolph Giuliani calls for the evacuation of Lower Manhattan south of Canal Street, including more than 1 million residents, workers and tourists, as efforts continue throughout the afternoon to search for survivors at the WTC site.

1 pm – From a U.S. Air Force base in Louisiana, President Bush announces that U.S. military forces are on high alert worldwide.

2:51 pm – The U.S. Navy dispatches missile destroyers to New York and Washington, D.C.

5:20 pm – The 47-story Seven World Trade Center collapses after burning for hours; the building had been evacuated in the morning, and there are no casualties, though the collapse forces rescue workers to flee for their lives.

6:58 pm – President Bush returns to the White House after stops at military bases in Louisiana and Nebraska

8:30 pm – President Bush addresses the nation, calling the attacks "evil, despicable acts of terror" and declaring that America, its friends and allies would "stand together to win the war against terrorism."

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     America has went through many things since 9/11. From safer school surroundings to safer environment surroundings. We all try to work together to make sure things are safe as well. 9/11 made a big impact on some people, yet some people have no clue what, and why it even happened.
     Secrutiy is something that has changed since 9/11. Now things are monitored. People make sure that nothing 'funky' is going on so that something like 9/11 or worse won't happen again. You have to be ID'ed for practically everything now. Which, i believe is a very good idea.
     A lot of loved ones died during that tragic day. Innocent people at that. So many people can remeber September 11th like it was just yesterday. It set's a certain image in different people's minds when we speak of it.
     Another thing that has changed since September 11th is foriegner acts. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Amendments of 2008 is because of 9/11, as well. The act prohibits any person from illegally intercepting, disclosing, using or divulging phone calls or electronic communications. It prohibits the individual states from investigating, sanctioning, or requiring disclosure by large telecoms and protects them from lawsuits. The act requires the government to keep records on surveillance for a period of 10 years. It increased the time for warrantless surveillance from 48 hours to 7 days. It requires government agencies to cease warranted surveillance of a targeted American if they enter the United States.
     There are many other things that have changed in America since 9/11. I could go on forever. But just think everyone can make some kind of difference. don't think you can't becuase everything you do is making a change. So stand up and help! The world is changing: you can help.

BR 9/10/12

I Don't think it should matter how he gave his speech. If he uses humor, so be it. That;s the way he wants to approach things. Everyone looks at things differently.

class work 9/7

Stage One: The federalists was orginially published with the intent with persuading New York's anti-federalist population to vote in favor of the Constitution. However, nine states were needed so the Constitution would've gone into effect without Virginia or NY's vote. The series of essay's provided a thorough and rational explanations of importance of the new US Gov. The central gov, the old gov. could not carry out it's responsibilities. They didn't have enough means to provide common defense through power of taxation and the raising of an army. It could not provide trade regulations, inforce foreign treaties, or protect the states from invasion. Because it had no power to empel it's individual states to follow it's rulings. The Gov. created by the US constitution which put the power in the hands of the people, had the strength of the unified 13 states, protecting each individual person.

Stage Two: The US provides an army through taxation to provide protection for it's citizens. It works with other countries to create peace for our nation. In the US, the state and federal governements work together in protecting the common good. The state governments are depended upon for their elections and membership in senate. The states often serve as a testing ground that later become national laws. It keeps the Gov. closer to the people.

Stage Three: In Vietnam the country does not protect it's citizens as it should. Police mistreat suspects during arrest using lethal force and extreme prison conditions. Citizens are arrested for political and denied the right of affair and expeditious trial. Political influence and ineffeciency have distorted the judicial system. The Gov. limits privacy rights and freedom of press, speech, and assembly. Freedom of religion continues to be treated unfairly. The Gov. prohibits independet human rights organizations, violence against women and human intrafficing continues.

Their citizens do not have the right to change their Gov. peacfully and they don't freely choose the officials that govern them. All authority and poliotcal power can not be up to one power and in Vietnam it is the communist party.

Stage Four: “This country and this people seem to have been made for each other, and it appears as if it was the design of Providence that an inheritance so proper and convenient for a band of brethren, united to each other by the strongest ties, should never be split into a number unsocial, jealous, and alien sovereignties.” – 1787

It is a shame that it took such a tragedy, as of September 11, 2001, to remind a country of what we can do if we all stand together. On that day, we were all American, no color, no sexual orientation, no economic status.

Friday, September 7, 2012

BR: 9/07/2012

Every person has there own way in sexuality. let them be who they are, not who someone wants to be.

If Nixon wasa still alive he would be a democrat, not a republican

I don't think guns should ever be taken away. Just because some people want to make dumb decisions on what they do with guns, that doesn't mean take them from the people that aren't doing anything wrong.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

BR 9/05/2012

i think it is a good idea, because it lets you know that they are who they say they are.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Bellringer 9/04/11

I think it is quite ridiculous to pay that much to give a child for one tooth.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Similarites and differnece George Washinton and Partick Henry

Stephanie Streets- Patrick Henry.
Casey Burner- George Washinton.

Similarities and differences.

1. Founding fathers.
2. Both were founding fathers in Virginia.
3. Both like politics
4. Both fought for what they believed in.
5. Both known for famous quotes.

1. I, Patrick Henry, am an antifederalist.
2. George Washington is a federalist.
3. One agreed with the constiution.
4. Washinton became president after the consitution.
5. Patrick had been a lawyer.

BR 8/31/2012

i think you should have to have an ID when you go to vote.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

BR 8/30/2012

I dont know why they are making it a big deal. they always are having big storms.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

federalist and anti-federalist.. 8/28/2012

I am Patrick Henry. I am 51 years of age.

I am an Anti-federalist?

I haven't had much success in my eariler history. I failed at being a planter and a storekeeper. On the other hand, after those two fall outs, i became a successful lawyer and politician! I am the one who stated "Give me liberty or give me death." in March of 1775. In 1787 I got elected as a delegate, but I refuse to serve."Who authorized them to speak the language of We the people? If the states be not the agents of this compact, it must be one great consolidated national government."

I refused to sign the constitution.

"The first thing I have at heart is American liberty; the second thing is American union."

Elbridge Gerry, and George Mason were two of the men that supported me throughout this!

What are your views of the new plan of the government?
 "the most fatal plan that could possibly be conceived to enslave a free people."

                           (Patrick Henry)


I dont think he should have gotten all his rights taken away. I know what he did was wrong, but he should still have his religous rights to pray whenever he wants.

Monday, August 27, 2012

8/27/2012 notes

united states constitution.

ratification means to approve something.

Sept 17 1787 constitution day.

Federalist supported the consitution. :
     Rufus King
     Roger Sherman
     Alexander Hamilton
    John Jay
     George Read and others.
     James Wilson
     James maddison

Against the constituion were antifederalist.
     Patrick Henry
    George Mason
     Fichard Henry Lee
     George Clinton
     Samuel Admas
    Elbridge Gerry
     Robert Yates
    Melancton  Smith and others.

the federalist papers... a book that was written by three men. the purpose was for us to support the constitution.

The consitution says that at least 9 of 13 orignial colonies had to support before it could become a document.

Delaware was the 1st state.

New Hampshire was the 9th state.

Rhode Island was the 13th state.

Attended the constitutional convention:
Ellsworth (Elsworth), Oliver*
Johnson, William S.
Sherman, Roger Delaware
Bassett (Basset), Richard
Bedford, Gunning, Jr.
Broom, Jacob
Dickinson, John
Read, George Georgia
Baldwin, Abraham
Few, William
Houstoun, William*
Pierce, William L.* Maryland
Carroll, Daniel
Jenifer, Daniel of St. Thomas
Martin, Luther*
McHenry, James
Mercer, John F.* Massachusetts
Gerry, Elbridge*
Gorham, Nathaniel
King, Rufus
Strong, Caleb* New Hampshire
Gilman, Nicholas
Langdon, John New Jersey
Brearly (Brearley), David
Dayton, Jonathan
Houston, William C.*
Livingston, William
Paterson (Patterson), William New York
Hamilton, Alexander
Lansing, John, Jr.*
Yates, Robert * North Carolina
Blount, William
Davie, William R.*
Martin, Alexander *
Spaight, Richard D.
Williamson, Hugh Pennsylvania
Clymer, George
Fitzsimons, Thomas
Franklin, Benjamin
Ingersoll, Jared
Mifflin, Thomas
Morris, Gouverneur
Morris, Robert
Wilson, James South Carolina
Butler, Pierce
Pinckney, Charles
Pinckney, Charles Cotesworth
Rutledge, John Rhode Island
Rhode Island did not send any delegates to the Constitutional Convention. Virginia
Blair, John
Madison, James
Mason, George *
McClurg, James*
Randolph, Edmund J.*
Washington, George
Wythe, George*
(* indicates that teh individual didn't sign the constitution.)


I think  that is was religous descrimination. She had already stated that she wouldn't be wearing black pants like they were suppose to, she would be wearing a skirt. That is her belief and she shouldn't be fired or told to leave because of it. To me, that was rude of the Burger King people.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

civics assignment 8/23/2012

1. Define the Constitution… your own words in a PARAGRAPH (3-5 sentences) 

2. How would your life be without the constitution ?

3. Define the following words:


a group within a larger group or party.

the federal principle of the government

Federalist/ Antifederalist
Federalist: an advocate of federalism
Antifederalist: an opponent of federalism

a settlement of differences by mutual concessions

The Great Compromise (Connecticut Compromise)
Checks and Balances
competition and mutual restraint among the various branches of government

Democratic Republic
a form of government embodying democratic principles and where a monarch is not the head of state

Delegated Powers of the Federal Government

Reserved Powers of the State Governments

Separation of Powers

Civil Liberties

citizen test

i got a 4-10


In my opinion, i don't think that anyone should've said or done anything. It is everyones personal opinion on who they like and dislike. No one should be downed for something that they didn't want to do. He didn't want to wear the yellow foam finger, what's the big deal?

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


With a few months to go, the race continues, Obama and Mitt Romney. Even though things are very heated, at the moment Obama has the closest end.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

About me.

My name is Stephanie Streets. I was born in Ohio. I am 17. I have 7 brothers and 1 sister. I am easy to get along with, but I can be a bit blunt!